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Daily Exercise reduces the chances of depression

Exercise is not for fat people, but for people of all age group. Those who think so are doing a major mistake because even small amounts of exercise can protect you against depression. There are uncountable benefits of doing exercises. The benefit of doing exercise is many like it helps in maintaining physical health and fight diseases.  Also, it’s the best medication for those who are suffering from depression. Yes, daily exercise reduces the chances of depression.  And, this is true.

Last time we have done a post on posture awareness and how posture awareness can reduce musculoskeletally. This time we are going to guide you, how to deal with depression & what all are its symptoms. Exercise plays a vital role in treating symptoms of depression.

Why Exercise?

Exercise and fresh air have always been folk prescriptions for a glum mood. And most of us get utterly refresh and cheerier after a nice power pact walk or exercise session. But clinical depression and depressed people have a different story. But it could be recovered by doing either regular exercises or consulting a professional physiotherapist. This is very true that those who do exercise on a regular basis are fitter than all those who ignore to work on their health. People need to accept this truth that, daily exercise reduces the chance of depression.

Those who are in the regular practice of doing exercise are more active and happier than that of those who are nowhere in an exercise session.  But what’s the story of depressed people, and how to cure the issue of depression and live happily? This is very true that physically active people are happier than that of less active people. But in case of depression or depressed people, the story is extremely different.

Understand Depression:

According to psychology, exercise helps in improving self-esteem and self-control. Both are the key factor, for dealing with depression. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain.  Any form of exercise, from the moderate to the elite end of the scale will help when dealing with anxiety and depression. You don’t have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into long, monotonous workouts to experience the many benefits of exercise. Following are the beneficial effects of doing exercises:-

  • Provide a natural energy boost
  • Develop a healthy appetite
  • Provide a natural energy boost
  • You enjoy life
  • Lessen anger and frustration
  • Relieve tension, stress and mental fatigue
  • Give you a focus and motivation in life
  • Develop a better social life
  • Improve sleep
  • Give a sense of achievement

Depression isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s an illness that requires professional treatment. Consulting a physiotherapist will help you the most, as they will guide you right care so that you can feel better sooner. People with severe depression, need to consult because it’s a curable issue.

Antidepressant medications can be helpful for reducing depression symptoms in some people, especially in people with severe depression, for that one should consult a Psychiatrist. Psychotherapy is also an effective treatment, either alone or in combination with medications. The benefits of psychotherapy may have an enduring effect that protects against symptoms returning even after treatment is ended.

How to cure Depression?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Commonly known as CBT is a therapy in which patients learn to identify and managing skills for negative thoughts. Apart from thoughts, behavior pattern or mood swing also contributes to depression. It’s a process where patient works on their thought processes. They learn about negative thoughts, change inaccurate belief, a sudden change in behaviors that make the situation of depression even worse and other ways of interacting in a positive way.

Interpersonal Therapy: It’s a form of therapy in which patients learn to improve their relationships with others. It has been seen that depressed people will either be very talkative or least talkative. They won’t be able to express their feelings clearly. With the help of this therapy, they learn how to express their emotions and solving problems in healthier ways. IPT helps patients resolve or adapt to troubling life events, build social skills and organize their relationships to increase support for coping with depressive symptoms and life stressors.